Skids and floor joists on all buildings are pressure
Nails are caulked and sanded on siding before paint
is applied.
Exposed nails are ring shank & galvanized for
maximum strength, which means no rust spots.
All buildings come with locks and keys.
Metal or Shingle Roof - YOUR CHOICE! Choose a 30
year metal roof or quality, residential grade 30
year shingles, SAME PRICE.
Wall studs are 24 inch on center, doubled under
siding seams to help seal building, same strength as
16 inch on center (as in home construction).
Floor joists are 2x6's in 10' and 12' wides, 16 inch
on center and set into notched skids to prevent
twisting. (Floor joists never span more than about 5
ft without being supported by a 4x6 skid.) Floor
Joists are 12 inch on center on all Garages.